Friday, 24 February 2017

Current Products — DBA — OUGD602

The majority of Nootropics on the market seem to go in similar directions, pharmaceutical, natural/herbal or fitness orientated. It is vital that we represent our product as different to these, this should fit in with the target audience, and we feel as if the market for out particular audience has not truly been taken advantage of just yet.

Pharmaceutical examples:

The two above examples opt for the typical pharmaceutical style, which seems slightly off-putting as the colours and layout is fairly inconsistent and overly detailed. This maybe something we need to avoid in our own designs to enable them to be trusted and respected by our chosen market.

This is the prescribed version of 'Noopept' from Russia, the most popular variant of Peptides used as a nootropic. It is clear that these sorts of drugs are considered as drugs and not 'supplements', to avoid any controversy, it would be best to take this very direction with our own products to ensure students are very much responsible with how they take these pills.

This is something we need to certainly avoid, marketing the pills as 'natural' and 'herbal' would automatically make the user think they do not have any side effects or cause any possible underlying issues, the key being here that we must keep it simple but be very explicit on what goes into these products, as education is the best prevention of any complications associated with these drugs.

This example of the same drug from above is a better way to go about it. Marketing it as a 'doctors' product ensures its users are responsible and are reminded that these things aren't like eating fruit or other healthy nutritional food.

This is another possible route, targeting fitness/gym markets, however we feel this would be very limited as this market has been thoroughly taken advantage of in comparison to the 'student' and 'study drug' market; enabling us to come up with something unique and never been done before.


It is clear that the branding needs to be kept extremely stripped back and simple approach to ensure that the contents of these products aren't glamourised or clouded by cluttered, overly detailed packaging. The contents of the products needs to be explicitly outlined on the bottle, this also helps the product become less susceptible to controversy, which could essentially cause many issues simply because of the way it is branded.

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