Friday, 3 February 2017

What are Nootropics? — DBA — OUGD602

With this brief being of a rather obscure and niche product, it is obvious that research needs to be in-depth to ensure a product that can be appropriately perceived by the allotted target audience. This may also be the reason for such an obscure product, the members at DBA want to see lots of conceptual backings, and not just polished final pieces that are essentially nulled due to having no conceptual value (Certainly making that clear with "We don't want to see some boring app mockup placed on an iPhone.")

What are Nootropics and what to they do?

Nootropics—also called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers—are drugs, supplements, or other substances that improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals. (Source 1 & 2)

There is a stigma around Nootropic drugs upon first investigation. Many associate them with 'legal highs' and on the opposite end of the spectrum you have the skeptics who deem their effects to be as little as a placebo. However, there are many stories reporting more and more of these types of drugs are becoming illegal and/or only available via doctors prescription, yet more and more people seem to be taking them.

The most notable and popular of all Nootropic drugs are certainly those used to treat ADHD/ADD. Many people without ADHD will take them, causing them to become more focussed and be able to work for prolonged periods of time without losing concentration.

Some ADHD medications classed as Nootropics:
  • Adderall
  • Modafinil
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Sulbutiamine
  • Caffeine + L-Theanine
  • Theobromine (Found in Cocoa)

    There is a huge variety of Nootropics available to achieve various things as mentioned above. However, after conversing with the group after the briefing, it was clear the most appropriate route to go down was one we were familiar with ourselves, students. This allowing the least controversy and also allowing the product to be positively perceived rather awn frowned upon. 

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